Sunday, April 13, 2014

Next Generation

I think the Next Generation project will have an affect on my future endeavor into the job market as an FAA employee.

The wikepedia definition is;
"The Next Generation Air Transportation System (NextGen) is the name given to a new National Airspace System due for implementation across the United States in stages between 2012 and 2025.[1] NextGen proposes to transform America’s air traffic control system from a ground-based system to a satellite-based system. GPS technology will be used to shorten routes, save time and fuel, reduce traffic delays, increase capacity, and permit controllers to monitor and manage aircraft with greater safety margins.[2]Planes will be able to fly closer together, take more direct routes and avoid delays caused by airport “stacking” as planes wait for an open runway.[3] To implement this the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) will undertake a wide-ranging transformation of the entireUnited States air transportation system. This transformation has the aim of reducing gridlock, both in the sky and at the airports. In 2003, the U.S. Congress established the Joint Planning and Development Office (JPDO) to plan and coordinate the development of the Next Generation Air Transportation System."

I feel this will positively influence my future with the FAA, because it will need regulation and constant improvement and monitoring. It means job security for years to come.


  1. "I really like that you chose the NextGen system and you explained it very well. However, maybe expand more on the "job security" aspect."

  2. Yes, Next Gen will most likely have an effect on all sectors of aviation, mostly for the positive. However, there is still a question of who will pay. Also, this post is only Wikepedia's definition of Next Gen...what else do you know about it, in your own words?

  3. I like your choice of NextGen... This is something that is definitely going to affect everyone. It is one of those topics that is still under development but it should be interesting to see how things go with this.

  4. I think Next Gen would be awesome to use, I like the topic and cant wait to one day fly using such sophisticated technology.

  5. While next gen is a good thing in many ways, I believe a lot of small GA pilots will have a hard time following suite. For example, most piper cubs are so bare bone, that they dont even have radios or transponders in them. It may be hard to get these types of aircraft owners to outfit their plane with NextGen technology. Then again, in a few years, it might be as simple as an app for your cellphone that transmits and receives all the data.

  6. NextGen will have a big impact on the industry once all aspects are fully utilized. The effects of the new technology will allow the airspace to be much more efficient and save companies/government over the long run. The big question though, is how the roll out will be funded going forward; will we see a "user fee" or something of the like?
